Guy Pourbaix discovered his passion for the arts early on with a father who worked as a stonemason. Throughout his life, the Ghent native found inspiration wherever others failed to do so. Together with his son and partner, Guy enjoyed a career as a not-so-ordinary barber. However, the part he liked most was – unsurprisingly – decorating the business with a unique interior.


This entrepreneur has always been looking for the next adventure. From snowboarding in the Alps to big game fishing in Mexico, a shot of adrenaline was never the only thing Guy found. This natural-born collector returned home from every single trip with a unique item that tells a story.


Eventually, these special finds got him thinking he couldn’t be the only one looking for extraordinary pieces. First, Guy would bring home a few extra items for friends and family. This business evolved slowly, first servicing clients in the region but steadily expanding the scope worldwide.

“Being able to turn your passion into a business is the second-best feeling in the world. Sharing my passion with others feels even better.”

Guy Pourbaix

Before the pandemic hit, Guy knew he had to pick his passion (some would even say obsession). Then, as demand grew, he went all in on his new adventure. Within months, Guy had a solid global network of interested partners.


The business was booming, so Bull’s Eye expanded fast. His two sons joined the company, and a new warehouse proved too small within the first year of rent. Guy, however, remained focused on the core of his passion: looking for unique stories.